It’s a Lock IN

It’s a LOCK IN!

It’s a Lock-in on New Year’s Eve this New Year’s Eve 2023! Yes, we have a great place for such an event and we want to share it with you! Bring your sleeping bag and be ready to watch the ball drop, ring in the new year and play some great games with friends as we celebrate the New Year with this great event. We will end it on New Year’s Day with a great breakfast of biscuits and gravy made like they do in the fire house when Pastor Wayne was stationed in the fire house as a paramedic. Mmmmmmmmm, good.

Sign your student up with the form on this page and give consent for them to be at this event. Please fill out one form for each student. Chaperones will be on sight and we look forward to seeing you there. Happy New Year to come!! Sign up now and be sure you are counted.

Thank you in advance!