Everyday People with Everyday Issues trying to get closer to God

Vision & Mission

The vision we have at Homestead Church is to know we are God’s Children. Jesus said in Matthew 19:14, “Let the children come to me”.  Our vision is that we want to see those in our circle of influence, our city realize they are God’s children and know how much the Father loves them. In 1 John 3:1, it tells us “See how much love the Father lavishes on us that we would be called children of God, that’s what we are.” Knowing this we know we have issues, but we know as God’s children Jesus again said come to me. Jesus said come to me all you with issues and I will give you rest. We obtain that rest by being a child of God and realizing if we stay close to Him, He will help us through everyday issues as they arise.

Our mission is to be a witness of this to those in our immediate circle of influence and city as we reveal a childlike faith in our God who helps us daily with our everyday issues as everyday people. We know we aren’t perfect, but in Christ we also know we can do all things because we strive to be close to Him.  We want to reflect this by living out the scripture as it was in John 3:16 and John 3:17. Yes God loved the world so much despite our issues to send His Son Jesus so we can experience life. Yet the Way the Truth and the Life revealed it through loving us so much that as it says in John 3:17, He came not to condemn us but to save us. Our mission is to be a Homestead – a safe place free of condemnation or judgment from everyday people who all have their own issues. Our mission is to be representative of the love of Jesus who would come and give His life for us when we were all lost in our issues, because He loves us that much.